Friday, December 21, 2007

First Things - The iwonder Guide to Wondering

As the first post on this blog, and as I'm sure it will take a while to get to writing the explanatory sidebars, let me begin with this qualifier:

What I am about to embark upon here is an exposition of a layman's contemplation. I have no specialized knowledge in all the fields I may muse on, but I enjoy what essentially is "shooting the breeze" at a high level.

While I try to use language in a precise way, clearly I will not always use words in their technical sense or as terms of art. For example, "consumption," as in "consumption of energy" no doubt has a precise technical meaning, but I would more likely be using its popular meaning.

The point is, try to get the gist of the idea before picking at the technicalities.

The whole point is that I believe a more frequent melding of science (thinking that requires more or less rigid adherence to certain parameters) and imagination (thinking that has no bounds and is even fantastical) might just lead us to some astounding insights.

Plus, it's just plain fun.

Really, there has to be more to read and talk about on the internet than Britney Spears stories.

So here's to throwing stuff out there and seeing if anything sticks. Happy Cogitation to all!

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